Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010

Scaref Of Bums Lyric

Song's Lyrics

by Scared Of Bums on Wednesday, 14 July 2010 at 15:22
(words by wahyu)

Remembered my past , Try to be like everybody else
With the happy joyful smiley faces

My hidden thoughts and , ungranted wishes I pray to god
One Day I will overcome again

If you feel as I
Will you rise , shine and will you try
To, look what have your past have been looked like

So follow me with my path
To a much better future
Where things are coming from ahead
With no compromise in life
Take all my changes
To bring my self… to a new beginning

I’m giving sign to everyone here

All the doubtfull things in my life will never disturbed me
Commited to what I feel right

I will not turn back to my past where nothing lies ahead
Just lost hopes and nowhere else to go

So follow me with my path
To a much better future
Where things are coming from ahead
With no compromise in life
Take all my changes
To bring my self… to a new beginning

I’m giving sign to everyone here


Show me , my victory
I cant wait any longer
To walk away from my suffering
I want this all to be end before

Back to Reff

(words by eka poglag & wahyu_jinx)

I’ve been sitting here , four hours ago
And I do nothing I don’t thinking
There’s only one thing that always keep me up
Of all my problem I’ve tried to solve

But I want to try
To be a better man , It’s not imposible
For everybody else
All I have to do just sitting in the bed room
Cuz what I’m feeling now
It’s just my boring time

Boring Boring Boring time
I want to get up I want to stand up
Boring Boring Boring time
The only thing that I can do
To stare at the world until I die

Bukan Saatnya 'tuk Berlutut
(words by ScaredOfBums & weedafux RipperClown)

Mungkin duka ku rasa saat ini yang membenam di dalam jiwa
Perih hati tergores dalam raga di setiap manusia

Namun semua itu akan kucoba untuk slalu memahaminya
Dalam hatiku ini hanyalah perih duka yang ku rasa

Dalam semua rintangan ku coba tuk melewatinya
Yang akan trus menghantui
Yang akan trus menghantuiku

Perjalanan hidup yang telah kian lama
dalam hatiku hanya duka
Bukan saatnya untuk berlutut
dari semua kepalsuan

Feel's like sniffin salt to my nose
and lemon juice in my eye
my heart turbulence
but i never knee down
i never waste my time
no matter what underground
i'll keep moving on and on
till the day i die
till the shine never shine on
i will survive , i'll reach my goals
proving, moving and surviving till i get what i wanted
never look back , never surender

Back to Reff

(words by wahyu jinx)

This is a song about the place where I grow up
Where a life works in perfect harmony everyone in the neighborhood
Come hand to hand respecting each other un complain
A place where good memories are made always take this for granted

there's no place like home where you can be spoiled
and lazy but home is nowhere from me, my home is a place of my shelter
from sunshine and coldmoonlight

Chorus :
Now I’m far away from home never felt like I use to be
It’s all about being the leader and theres only one person
Cant wake up or play the kids next door..

Reff :
As parent you are vicious treat me well like pieces of garbage
I cant forget what you guys done for me..
As parent you are vicious treat me well like pieces of garbage
I cant forget what you guys done for me..

When I try to memories all my past in my mind
I starded to sheed tears on my eyes a bused and harm are words I can forget
Its got closer than I can ever imagine
I stare the eyes of drugs and allchohol its were it all started to fall apart

Chorus :
Now I’m far away from home never felt like I use to be
It’s all about being the leader and theres only one person
Cant wake up or play the kids next door..

Reff :
As parent you are vicious treat me well like pieces of garbage
I cant forget what you guys done for me..
As parent you are vicious treat me well like pieces of garbage
I cant forget what you guys done for me..

Grool :
Me…. Me…. Me…. You guys done for me…
Me…. Me…. Me…. You guys done for me…

Back to Reff.

(words by ariex'bums & ScaredOfBums)

S’lalu kudambakan keinginanku
Didalam hasrat jiwa yang paling dalam
S’mua yang kuharapkan menjadi sirna
Mungkin yang terlupa mati serakah

Akankah jalan yang ada hanya menjadi penghalang
Bagi semua yang t’lah terlalui
Akankah jalan yang ada hanya menjadi penghalang
Bagi semua yang t’lah terlewati

Melihat dunia buat kulupa kan hasrat jiwa..
Ku hanya ingin hidup didalam mimpi
Ketika hancur
S’lalu ada kebohongan yang tak kan akan pernah hancur

Jiwa yang mencekam slalu kau ada
Mengingatkan kepahitan menusuk jiwaku
Enggan tuk bicara dalam hidupku
Mungkin yang terlupa mati tak berguna

Merenung bukan berarti,akhir dunia disetiap jiwa
Oh..mungkinkah slalu ada ketakutan yang slalu murka

Back to chorus.

(words by eka poglag & ScaredOfBums)

Reff :
Fly to anywhere i…..
(Face into my freedom )
Find my satisfy….
Try to let my self go
( Face into my freedom )
Change are hard to find…

My life as if inside a bar
Torn my life i had with these two scare
I hope one day I can make a wish
A wish that can change through all my life…

These days I want you
With all the truths no lies …..

Wake up…
I’m Through with this
Shit my fucks
Just die…..

Back to Reff

No hidden forces, just make your choices
either make some noises , or shut the fuck
All that I want is , my freedom choices…
Fuck with your rule , hell yeah I don’t care….

These days I want you
With all the truths no lies …..

Wake up…
I’m Through with this
Shit my fucks
Just die…..

I wont to try to make my minds up
I‘ll reach the sky and could I be
The one who changed ….
I want to go….

Why do I have this regrets
What it is I fear the most
Freedom is all that I’ve look
So why don’t you just
“ give me my freedom “

Back to Reff

(words by arie'x bums & ScaredOfBums)

Mendekap resah hati terbilang tak ternilai
Lalunan jiwa menghantarkan ketepian hidup

Chorus :
Terkorbankan sejenak tuk slalu duka
Murung membilasi suka dalam duka

Mendekap resah hati terbilang tak ternilai
Lalunan jiwa menghantarkan ketepian hidup

Chorus :
Terkorbankan sejenak tuk slalu duka
Murung membilasi suka dalam duka

Reff :
Kegundahan mendekap mata rasa hati yang t’lah tersentuh
Seruan dari luar bumi membuat bangkit manusia maya

Interlude :
Masalah yang ada sering menjadi boomerang
Bagai terinjak diperalat seperti sampah….

Back to chorus & Reff.

(words by wahyu jinx)

I don’t know what the answer of all the question
Whitch’is stuck in myhead
Try to understand it but why I always failed to realize
Day by day I do the same oldshit and I’m bored
Try to run n hide
But I couldn’t fine a reason enough to realize n fuck’up

Trying to ignore n close my eyes
Wish I can get a different things , but I’m so scared to getting up
Because the same thing will fill my time to past every single day

Never give’up
I have to live my live

Reff :
Can someone tell me
What is going on
I don’t event know
What the hell to thing or to do

(words by arie'x & ScaredOfBums)

Kuawali jalanku dengan menunduk pasrah
Hormat pada pertiwi yang duka, tertatih dalam kalbu
Terasa getaran di jiwa yang slalu ku ragu
untuk memimpikannya,.

Bumi terasa sepi melihat semua orang
Udara semakin panas ketika seluruh harapan musnah
Terasa sesak di dalam dada, tertatih tertegun
cucuran air mata,.

Chorus :
Rindukan canda tawa
Semua hilang tanpa jejak, Semua hilang tak berbekas
teriakan menghujat,.

Reff :
Jahanam,. engkau yang disana
penuh harta tanpa hawa yang duka
jahanam.. engkau yang disana
penuh harta tanpa hawa yang duka
wahai kau jahanam

Back to Chorus

Reff :
jahanam,. engkau yang disana
penuh harta tanpa hawa yang duka
hancurkan,. kau hancurkan semua
suramkan dunia muramkan yang terang
wahai kau jahanam,.


(Words by ScaredOfBums)

Kemunafikan dunia,.lewati batas naluri
Tanpa akar logika,. semua ingin merasa berarti

Sampai kapankah kau sadari
Hingga tak tersisa
Sedetik waktu untuk kau mengubahnya

Pikirkan, renungkan (groll)
Wahai kau penabur dusta
Pikirkan, renungkan (groll)
Duka yang terukir terlalu dalam

Reff :
Teriaklah dan teriak,.
Benarkah semua ini jawaban,.
Teriaklah dan teriak
Dusta bukanlah sebuah harapan (yang kuinginkan hanya kau buktikan)

Terima saja apapun,. Apa yang t’lah kau lakukan
Tanpa beban terhempas, layaknya ini jalan yang terakhir,.

Sampai kapankah kau sadari
Hingga tak tersisa
Sedetik waktu untuk kau mengubahnya

Pikirkan, renungkan (groll)
Wahai kau penabur dusta
Pikirkan, renungkan (groll)
Duka yang terukir terlalu dalam

Back to Reff :

Interlude :
Hey,. Terima , rasakan, semua dosa yang kan
Menghantui, dirimu hingga akhir hidup
Tertawa ku tertawa nikmati saja ajalmu
Bawa saja semua harta dari
KemunafikanMu !!

Back to Reff,.

(Word by wahyu_jinx)

Don’t say, that I don’t , deserve to live my life in my world
To feed and to breed and to make… me run… ( grwooll )
What ever , that , I feel so you looked me, what I will become

I were destined, to live my life, and be someone I should have become
I were destined, to be a part of life….. ( and feel alive )
I were destined, to live my life, and be someone i should have become
I’m destined to live

Destined to live… ( drive n grwooll )
Being alive……..
Destined to live…
Burning inside….

Few those, come to me, and want me gone want me disappear
Saying and telling to me… that i.. ( grwooll )
Should get, off, their face and don’t exist, they feel that I be gone

I were destined, to live my life, and be someone i should have become
I were destined, to be a part of life….. ( and feel alive )
I were destined, to live my life, and be someone i should have become
I’m destined to live

Destined to live… ( drive n grwooll )
Being alive……..
Destined to live…
Burning inside….

I was givin a chance from the lord to give away… I kneel so low
Eventhough my lifes is a wreck I don’t really care.. and I still fine

I’m just someone, who feels like a human that needs a space
I’m just who feels, everything be gone
I’m just someone, who feels, that life is once and use it wise
I’m just who feels, living in the dark …. Cant see the light ( drive )

Back to Reff

(Words by Diz Discotion Pill)

We start to write the message Against the older cases
Mourning engine, what you could be proud of ?
And, break out the lonely hours Get down and moving faster
Futures calling As we run,
You can get

Whatever you want to,
Dilemma is untrue
We share the moments
We taste together
What you see is what you got
What you learn is what you gonna do
Whatever you want to
Dilemma is untrue
We share the moments
We taste together
Open, lets open your eyes

Here we are
We still trying to be good

Reff :
Time to learning
Show me what you really can get
Depend on is a facets
Time to moving
Guide you back to brighter colors
We live like no pessimist
To be good

We burn the bleeding fases
Look for the future races
Loosing control,
Are we are life for dreaming
This message never work out
If u are never open
You’re faded eyes
As we wake, Man! You can get

Back to Reff,.

Terlalu Serakah
(words by Scared Of Bums)

Coba lihat kawan langitmu menghitam
Pertanda dunia terbalut kehancuran
Sang surya pun geram teriknya memanas
Membakar jiwa hancurkan kebusukan

Renungkanlah sesaat
Tangisan dunia rindukan asa
Buka matamu sejenak
Damaikan hati dan jiwa

Coba dengar kawan alammu meronta
Daun merapuh hijau daun menghilang
Gemuruh lautan riaknya menerjang
Hempaskan raga hancur keserakahan

Renungkanlah sesaat
Tangisan dunia rindukan asa
Buka matamu sejenak
Damaikan hati dan jiwa

Kita terlalu serakah nikmati indah dunia
Dosa meradang
Merenggut harta dunia tempat kita berpijak
Kita terlalu serakah nikmati indah dunia
Dosa meradang
Merenggut harta dunia tempat kita berpijak
Harapan semua musnah menenggelamkan dunia

Sadari dan benahi semua kehancuran yang t'lah terjadi
Detik ini saat tuk berubah
(buktikan, lakukan wahai semua, tunjukan tekadmu)
Detik ini saat tuk berubah
(buktikan, lakukan wahai semua, tunjukan tekadmu)
Sadari dan benahi semua keserakahan diri
Detik ini saat tuk berubah,...

back to reff (***)

enjoy it,.!!

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